
Required hours: 7h 30m

Logged hours: 0

Missed Hours (Hours to allocate): 7h 30m

Please log time in decimal format (e.g., 1.5 for 1 hour and 30 minutes).


Time log

Frequently Asked Questions

A Timesheet Calculator is a tool that helps you log your work hours, ensuring accurate tracking of time spent on tasks. It also allows you to distribute missed hours efficiently, keeping your time management streamlined.

To use the calculator, simply input your tasks and the time spent on each. If all tasks have zero time logged, the calculator will evenly distribute the total required time across all tasks.

However, if some tasks have time logged and others do not, the logged time will remain as entered, and only the tasks with logged hours will receive the proportional distribution of any missed time. This ensures that only tasks with actual work are adjusted while keeping a balanced allocation when no time has been logged at all.

To enter time units in the timesheet application, use the following formats:

  • Specify time in hours by entering a decimal value (e.g., 2 for two hours or 1.5 for one and a half hours).
  • You can also enter time as a fraction of an hour, such as 0.25 for 15 minutes.

Yes, you can easily update your total required hours in the input field. The calculator will automatically refresh to reflect the changes, allowing you to track your time against the new target.

When you have missed hours (time to allocate) to distribute, the calculator automatically allocates this time across all your existing tasks. The missed hours are divided proportionally based on the duration of each task.

This means that if you’ve logged some tasks, but haven’t accounted for the full required hours, the calculator will automatically add the missing time to each task according to its duration.

This feature ensures your time records remain balanced and accurate without needing you to manually select which tasks to adjust. The adjusted time will be displayed separately next to each task.

If you want to ensure that a specific task does not require redistribution of missed hours, simply avoid adding that task to the calculator. Instead, adjust your total required hours to reflect only the tasks you want to include. This way, the calculator will not allocate missed time to the excluded task.

Your data is stored in the browser's local storage, allowing you to save your timesheet entries even if you close the application. This ensures that your information is readily accessible whenever you return, even if you close the tab. If you wish to clear your data, you can use the reset option to remove all entries. Additionally, please note that your information will be permanently removed if you clear your browser's local storage.

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